The Happiest Day – Destiny Calling

The Happiest Day – Destiny Calling

It was an amazingly rainy day, and Rishaan found himself trapped in the rain on his way to office. He kept on waiting for bus but guess it was stuck in the ever so increasing Mumbai Traffic. Chaotic as it was, the bus stop was leaking and Rishaan – well dressed for an important meeting was getting increasingly nervous and wet. Incidentally Diya spotted Rishaan at the bus stop and came to his rescue.

Diya worked at the Design Department of the same office. Though not friends, they had bumped into each other several times during lunch and other activities. Diya gave, troubled Rishaan the much coveted lift, reliving him from the embarrassment of being drenched at the meeting. This acquaintance shortly turned into friendship. Given the happy go lucky nature of Rishaan, this was the most anticipated.

Rishaan was a handsome, smart, well-built engineer and had recently joined. He was considered to be a talented young Turk who was looked up by his peers and associates. He believed in living the life to the fullest and in just over six months he was a heart throb in the company. A soft talking young boy is always a favorite with girls and it was true with Rishaan as well.

Diya had a charming personality with amazing talents and creativity; she had been in this company for more than 3 years and grown strongly. She was a very jovial girl with a philosophy of enjoying life. But as it is said that life has a different plan that you seldom expect, she faced a tragedy which turned her life upside down. She lost both her parents and younger brother to a road accident. Since then she became very reserved and though she upheld her professional life, she lost the hold on her personal. She went into a cocoon and also talked minimal.

There was a discussion between Rishaan and Diya and during the drive to the office and Rishaans flamboyant attitude, dimple on the right cheek, and the soft spoken nature, made its impression on Diya. On reaching office, she tried to shrug off this influence to work. In the afternoon Rishaan bumped into Diya at lunch again and offered thanks for the lift inviting her for the lunch together. She tried to politely refuse but insistent Rishaan won the argument. They kept on bumping into each other ever since becoming friends.

Six months went by and Diya and Rishaan became close friends, close office friends. It was a cold eve in the fresh new year and Rishaan invited Diya for a movie and dinner. She hesitantly agreed but confirmed that she will reach home and check the priorities and then finalize. They enjoyed the movie, laughed their hearts out and went for a gourmet dinner on a terrace top restaurant. It was the most amazing evening for both. Diya thought this happiness was long entitled, but she didn’t expect it from Rishaan. As the evening was about to end they took a walk back to Diya’s house and she felt the warmth of Rishaan’s hand in her. In some time she was wanting for more, they were both almost about to shed inhibitions but were brought to senses by a loud horn. They parted ways but Rishaan was now making inroads into Diya’s heart. She was not able to sleep the whole night and there was a conflict in her mind on whether it is right or wrong…. Finally she just left everything to the fate and surrendered to sleep at dawn.

Next day at office she was welcomed by a smiling face of Rishaan and a sweet girl besides him. He introduced her as Kiara – a new entrant in there office. Diya welcomed her to the office and there was a casual chat and introductions. Rishaan was her mentor.

Kiara was a sweet girl with some experience in the business and was supposed to take care of customer relations. Her nature was quite open and she was verbose, spoke her mind out. She was never able to hold the words in the head and her less experience of life and profession made this utterly clear. She was the one full of life and made the best with whatever situation she was in.

It did not take more than 3 / 4 hours for Rishaan and Kiara to understand that there natures are quite alike, there philosophies of life are in-line and they together were up for a great time. As decided the three some – Diya – Rishaan – Kiara met at lunch and it was fun, Rishaan and Kiara left no stone un-turned to enjoy themselves and also entertain Diya. Diya was quiet, calm, composed but excited and happy to be with these two full of life people. They all parted with new bonds of friendships forged.

That evening Kiara was happy at a good start, having Rishan and Diya to support her. Though she had her apprehensions  about the work culture, politics, etc. they both comforted her.

Rishaan called Diya and explained the desire to meet in the evening but she made an excuse and stayed away. At this point Rishaan felt a little odd given the exciting evening spent a day before but left the thought believing the excuse from Diya. The next day at office Rishaan waited at reception to meet Diya when she arrived and they had a small chat but she hurriedly left him. At lunch Rishaan purposely bumped into Diya and tried to strike a conversation about the beautiful evening and just when he was about to get a little overboard, Diya asked him to meet her in the evening to discuss some important things. She left without completing her lunch. Given the nature of Rishaan it made him quite confused at one thought he felt may be she will open her heart for the feelings about him, but then why was she so tensed? And why did she skip lunch? And why she was avoiding him for last 2 days? A lot of questions kept their swords hanging on Rishaan but he kept his cool and eagerly waited for the evening.

Finally the evening arrived and they both met out of the office and decided to go someplace quiet to discuss, just about time they were leaving Kiara called Rishaan and Diya and came running and excited and just could not control her excitement about her day and kept on talking, Diya though not interested but showed no feelings of disdain and kept on hearing. Rishaan on the other hand started enjoying the conversation after some time and almost lost the idea of meeting Diya. In the excitement he invited Kiara to join them and she agreed. Only when Rishaan looked at Diya that he realized that he has done a blunder and that Diya was very upset.

They went to a restaurant and Kiara played the host, Diya tried to keep herself engaged in the discussion but was at times left behind with the energy and enthusiasm of these two. Rishaan was feeling the discomfort of Diya but he was also feeling the vibrancy of Kiara. He quietly held Diya’s hand below the table and tried comforting her and drawing her into the conversation but after a while she was again secluded. The evening went by and Rishaan and Diya decided to leave in Diya’s car so as to get the time for discussion, but it was too late and they could not leave Kiara behind. So the three left, dropped Rishaan at his place and Diya continued with Kiara so as to drop her ahead. In a casual chat Diya asked Kiara how she felt about office, people there, etc.? and smoothly drifted her discussion on Rishaan, she found Kiara was blushing, when she discussed about Rishaan and she almost went into a dream like world in the discussion, just when she could have revealed more her drop point came and they had to part.

It was a mayhem in Diya’s mind as she felt both these guys are good people and this is getting intricate, she made her mind to disclose the facts to Rishaan as early as possible and if time permits immediately. She picked up the phone and called but Rishaan did not answer.

Next day at office it was a mess, their major client had some issues with their campaign. It was increasingly difficult to understand the client concerns from remote location so the manager told them to plan a trip to Goa. They were taken by a surprise. Rishaan was in-charge of the customer, Diya was a designer of the campaign and for Kiara this will be a strong learning opportunity about handling the tricky client. This was not welcomed by all in the same spirit, Kiara was excited to be with Rishaan, Rishaan was excited to be with Diya, and Diya was confused about the whole scene. Their minds were running bizarre with plans after the Friday meeting the weekend could also be utilized in the most happening destination of India – Goa.

They took an early morning flight to Goa, just when the seats were to be taken Diya took the Window seat with the anticipation that Rishaan will take the middle one, but just when he was supposed to get in Kiara got into the middle seat and Rishaan had to be on the aisle seat. As all of them were preparing for the meeting a night before they were all sleep deprived, and also Rishaan and Diya could not really discuss so they all decided to catch a nap.

In the middle of the flight, Kiara woke up to go the washroom. When she returned she was too lazy to push her way into the middle seat. And with Rishaan readily offering to shift seats, the seating arrangement changed. With 20 minutes still remaining for the flight to land, a sleep starved Kiara took another nap, this time holding Rishaan’s right hand more firmly. Rishaan’s other hand, though, nervously moved to touch Diya’s. Her heart skipped a beat. Diya pulled her hand away. But the defiant Rishaan held her wrist again, this time firmly and more reassuringly. The changing behavioral dynamics between the three perhaps gave out a foreboding of what was to come in Goa.

When the flight landed at the Dabolim airport, Rishaan felt uncanny…his excitement seemed replaced by an unknown fear that he found very difficult to decipher.

They checked in to the plush Resort & got rooms closer to each other. Rishaan tried connecting with Diya but her disinterestedness made him uncomfortable. Then in the meeting they successfully tried to convince the client and as the entire team was there the issue was efficiently resolved and customer confidence regained. They got quite good appreciation form there office and so they went on to celebrate in the evening. Rishaan and Kiara were high on sprit on this success and wanted to make it a memorable evening. Diya was happy but she as well was a little distanced due to her apprehensions, but Rishaan was not going to leave her as she was instrumental in today’s success. He ordered the drinks – to start with a small peg, the evening started getting exciting and Kiara was almost taken by the evening she planned to express her feelings to Rishaan by the end of this trip, Rishaan was excited and it was showing on his face, the success was one reason but he was planning to surprise Diya with a proposal. Diya had her apprehensions but as the first drink went in and the second, she started to loosen up. She was the old Diya now – carefree, jovial, enjoying every moment of life.

All three of them were at a very important junction of their lives, which was intertwined by the destiny in such a way that everyone is supposed to lose some and gain some or may be just lose it all….

In the flow of the moment Kiara drank too much and went out of control. This is where Rishaan called off the party and left with Kiara to drop her to her room but with a promise to Diya that he will return. Diya went off to her room. Rishaan cautiously took Kiara to her room and on the way unknowingly she expressed to Rishaan of how much she likes him and how she is eager to be together with him. Rishaan took this as words of a drunken woman and was more excited to meet Diya as he had his plans. He went on to Diya’s room and she was almost expecting him, she had shed all her inhibitions and was looking very happy and cozy to be in a room all alone with Rishaan. They spent some time appreciating each other’s beauty and then merged to become two bodies and one soul. The comfortably cold night as well sunk into darkness marking the end of the day.

The next morning when Rishaan woke up he was all alone in Diya’s room and Diya was nowhere to be found, just then his eyes rested on a letter near the bedside. He was a shocked to know that it was Diya who wrote a letter, she had mentioned that Rishaan was like a blessing to her and she was really lucky to be with him but this relationship has no future and what was ahead took away the senses from Rishaan – Diya was married. He was stunned and she had left him.

Rishaan spent some isolated time in the shower, gathered his senses and thought to have a look at Kiara but she as well was not in her room, on checking he got to know that she has already left. There was a envelop at the reception for Rishaan, Kiara in search of Rishaan came to his room in the morning excited about her drunk confession but found him in Diya’s room and Kiara had wished him luck with this relationship as they both are wonderful people.

The entire episode left Rishaan spell bound on the next morning of his most happiest day, he has lost it all.

Hope you liked the above story – you can also enjoy another story – Intertwined Hearts by clicking below link.

Intertwined Hearts
Short Stories

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