About Me

You reaching out to this page means that you are getting interested in beyondobvious.in. I appreciate your interest & that’s a good sign for me.

I am Nilesh Shah. 17 years of wide experience of Marketing and Sales in Auto Components, Capital Equipment’s, Chemicals, etc.

Have been in various roles from leading business verticals / certain geographies to product management, from front line sales to marketing strategy.

I am also a vivid reader and short stories & personal finance are my major interests.

In this blog I will try to bring in some fresh perspectives to the already known facts. I will try to bring out the knowledge from the information available.

Hope you people enjoy this blog and keep visiting for some New Stuff every now and then.

What People Say

Since college days i was your fan. You have immense potential and a great outlook.

Wishing best of luck for your endeavour.

Amit Kaul

Its been a pleasure having discussions with you and the blog will be a treat. Keep sharing your beyond obvious persepectives.

Best of Luck.


An excellent mentor! Nilesh always has a practical perspective to everything and a beyond obvious way to deal with it! I’m thankful to have known him personally and I’m looking forward to learn more from him through this blog! All the best!


3 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. An excellent mentor! Nilesh always has a practical perspective to everything and a beyond obvious way to deal with it! I’m thankful to have known him personally and I’m looking forward to learn more from him through this blog! All the best!


  2. Happens to read your blogs recently. Highly insightful writting on leadership.

    Keep it up buddy. Love to read more from you in near future.



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