The Guardian Angel

Preeti had this special habit and emotional need to have a good cup of tea in the morning, with her loving husband Arun. She had made this as a ritual, waking up around 6:00 AM, getting ready and preparing tea. Arun however was a lazy starter of the day, he used to love being in bed as long as he can afford. Yet the pursuant Preeti used to always convince his presence at the table for tea. Arun as well would sacrifice his sleep a bit to see the glowing face and sparkling eyes of Preeti.

Both had married for almost 15 years now, yet the love was only growing. It was 15th marriage anniversary and Preeti was very excited, she was looking gorgeous with her new beautiful saree, hairs tied neatly on one side, the long earrings touching her smooth cheeks, just like what Arun loved. She had also planned a candle light dinner at home, and was waiting for Arun. The doorbell rang and she was happily surprised as it was early than the usual time of Arun. Preeti opened the door and she was let down a bit, as it was not Arun but Ritesh.

Ritesh, a smart, handsome young man, an IT Professional who worked at the same company where Preeti worked. He also stayed just in the adjacent society. Preeti used to share the ride with Ritesh.

Not expecting Ritesh – She was a bit irritated, but holding her feelings, she tried being courteous. Ritesh was carrying a bouquet of flower to wish her, on her anniversary. Though she was uncomfortable, she invited Ritesh in, offered him snacks. His energy was pushing Preeti’s discomfort out of the scene, his jokes and approach was making the atmosphere lively. After about an hour, he asked for permission to leave, Preeti was brought back to senses and she agreed. He left and she closed the door. She turned and found that Arun was standing in the balcony – she was taken aback.

She went to Arun and asked him when did he return? how long has it been? Arun mentioned her that she was so happy, he did not intend to interrupt the flow. She was feeling a bit guilty & she apologized for the same. Arun made her comfortable took her in his arms and soothed her.

In the morning, Preeti found herself in bed. What she could only remember was some great moments shared with Ritesh and a blank evening with Arun. She was unable to recall what happened after she went into the arms of Arun and closed her eyes with tears rolling down the cheek. She got up surprised to see it was 9:00 AM and she was all alone at home. She got up, got ready and saw a few missed calls from Ritesh, she quickly guessed, the same was to go to the office as they shared the ride. It was already 10:30 AM, so she guessed, that Ritesh would have already reached office, so she rushed to the office, hiring a cab.

On reaching she got greeted by others with a smirk, Preeti felt that, odd. She went to Ritesh’s desk and apologized, he shrugged it off. Rather he tried to pull her leg, asking what did she do with Arun last night, as she looked tired? She laughingly neglected the questions and moved on to her desk.

That evening it was time to go back home, after a tired day. Preeti tried calling Arun a few times but there was no response. Preeti and Ritesh started back home and were having a casual chat, the radio was playing “Pal Pal dil ke paas tum rehte hon” and this took her on a trail in past. This was Arun’s favorite song & he used to sing it for her, now and then. She was wondering on where, those wonderful days got lost? Why is it that she feels so stressed and tired by the end of each day? Why is it that she tends to forget Arun each day while on work and then evenings look vacant without him? She had some very compelling questions and no answers to them. She was so engrossed in her own web that Ritesh kept on talking and she did not even listen. It was her drop point and she got off the car. They shared good byes and Ritesh asked whether he should go with her to home as it was late, but she refused and left for her home.

On reaching home, Preeti found Arun in kitchen, cooking their dinner. She was furious on him for not connecting with her for all day long. He got on his knees and apologized. Took her hand and pushed her to wash room for a hot water bath. Once she was back he served her steam Rice with her favorite Thai curry. This brought a smile on her face and she had now lost her anger. Both of them had a great evening together, they kept chatting and she felt mesmerized.

She got up next morning with the cell phone ring from Ritesh. She got ready hastily and rushed to office thinking the great evening spend yesterday. She was also surprised to have not found Arun at home but she thought he would have left for his office.

Ritesh seemed very happy today, his happiness was making him a bit belligerent and he was not driving as his usual self. He was a bit more casual and punchy. He started racing the car and to their surprise, on came an old woman from one of the lanes. In an attempt to not hit her, Ritesh swinged the steering and the car banged into a parked truck. When Ritesh came to his senses he realized that Preeti had been hurt badly, while he was mildly hurt. He stopped the Taxi and moved her to hospital, she was still unconscious.

Doctors started the preliminary treatment and asked Ritesh to get Preeti’s relatives. He checked with office colleagues and no one really knew any relatives of Preeti. None had ever met any one or seen her with anyone. The only information everyone had was, that she had a husband by name Arun. But no one had the contact details of Arun. He also tried to get the details of her relatives from her society or the landlord, but mobile numbers were not in service. He left the message for Arun to get in touch with him on urgent basis.

Ritesh was now really surprised at how could this be? Can someone be so mysterious in today’s world of social media? How can one know a person for years and yet they remain unknown? He went back the memory lane and realized that he as well has never seen her with her husband or any one else at her home. He now had no alternative than to wait for her consciousness to return.

It took one whole day for her to come to consciousness, Ritesh was praying this all time. Once she became conscious he went to her and apologized for her condition. She was still not very conscious but kept on asking for Arun. Ritesh asked her to share the contact details and she asked him to get the mobile. She opened the phone and dialed Arun’s number and it did not connect. They tried several times and yet there was no connection. Ritesh asked Preeti for the company details where Arun worked, she shared the name.

Ritesh called the company and as the office had closed for the day, there was no response. He thought he will catch Arun at home and so he rushed back to Preeti’s home, but there was no one at the home. He waited and inquired but no one saw anyone enter or leave. Now Ritesh was really getting irritated at Arun. Preeti had been missing for almost two days and even after leaving so many messages with different people Arun had not contacted him.

Ritesh went to Arun’s office the next morning and inquired about him. To his surprise he came to know that, no one named Arun worked there. This was shocking. He lost his temper and was shouting at the receptionist. A man passing heard the names Arun and Preeti and inquired. He was Raj an old employee of the company. He said that there was a man named Arun working in this company, he also happen to have a wife by same name Preeti, but he had died in an accident about two years ago. Both Preeti and Arun were riding a bike and were hit by a speeding truck on highway and Arun lost his life. Preeti was pregnant and she also lost her child. She was quite shocked and went into complete silence.

Her parents took her back to himachal where they belonged. Ritesh’s mind was now numb. He was not being able to decide on whether both these Preeti’s, the one in his life and one in Raj’s story are same or different? Can this be so complicated or is it just a coincidence?

He asked Raj for a photo of Arun or Preeti. Raj said he can check with HR if they have a file photo. HR shared the photo and it was same Arun as seen in photos at Preeti’s home and her mobile. Ritesh was now absolutely stunned at this turn of events. His mind was unable to comprehend what exactly was happening? Did Preeti knew about this and faked a person for this long? Is she negating the fact that Arun is no more? Has she lost her mind? But how can a women so seemingly calm and composed, be mentally disturbed?

Getting some more details from them Ritesh got in touch with her parents, called and explained them the situation. Her father said that they do not respect any relationship with Preeti now. She is as good as dead for them. He tried to understand in details why her father was so skeptical about Preeti? Her father explained him that, Preeti had been very silent since Arun’s death. They tried to cheer her up and bring her to normal life but she never responded. She remained alone and kept on talking to herself. Even the Psychologist was unable to help her as she behaved erratically. To make it better we decided to re-marry her, she agreed and then ran away from her marriage. Since that day we have never contacted her and we do not care if she is alive or dead. He banged the phone and disconnected.

Now Ritesh was really anxious and wanted to know everything. His anxiety and questions could be put to rest only by one person – Preeti.

Ritesh rushed to hospital to meet with Preeti. When he reached there and told Preeti that Arun was found nowhere, she laughed and said “you have just missed him?” She mentioned Arun was here all night taking care of her and probably that is why he could not find Arun at home or office. Ritesh was short of words now and decided to hold on till she gets better and out of hospital and then take this topic for discussion.

Days passed and Ritesh took complete care of Preeti, may it be feeding her or helping her to walk or making her hair. Preeti still felt that Arun was around, but she also realized that Ritesh was always there to help her. Almost in last few days at the hospital Preeti complained that Arun is spending very less time with her now, Ritesh understood that she is remembering Arun less now. The scenario was still quite complicated as Ritesh had to pretend that he also saw Arun. In all of this Ritesh found that Preeti has taken a special place in his heart. He was in love with Preeti, but now came the biggest task, to make Preeti aware to the fact that Arun was no more and then try winning her heart.

Ritesh gathered the courage and started dropping hints about Arun’s absence. He used to hint at how about if Arun was not there? He used to refer Preeti as his wife, in casual way. She got to be a bit irritated but now was getting used to it.

It was time to take Preeti home and Ritesh had made all the arrangements for the same. On the way back Ritesh softly informed her that Arun is no more in her life. She was furious and cursed him for such a joke, he kept reminding her of that the incidences when she felt Arun’s presence were all her imagination. She was fighting with him for a few minutes and then felt heart broken. All her energy and anger drained off in tears. She surrendered to the fate and went into silence. Ritesh took her home, made her comfortable. He then made her tea & assured her that he will take care of her, for life. He tried to make her very comfortable and left after putting her to sleep.

Next morning, knowing that Preeti likes a hot cup of tea in the morning reached her home, but no one opened the door. He kept ringing her and banging th door, all in vain. He then broke through the door in the house to find Preeti dead in the balcony with a cup of tea, a letter besides her that said,

“Ritesh thanks a lot for being my guardian angel you are a gem of a person. I would have loved to be with you but I can not breach Arun’s trust hence I am leaving with him. Forgive me.”

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