The Success Mantra – S & M

In the current world of cut throat competition, it has become mandatory to have Sales and Marketing talents on the toes. There is no scope of lethargy. Many successful organisations rely on their Products / Systems / USP’s. They actually forget to extend the requisite dues to their Marketing and Sales Team and in-turn end up on the losing side.

Of-course the product is very important, but we have seen the best of the products – Nokia, Polaroid, etc. being left behind. To take some Indian examples – Premier Padmini: One of the first cars that Indians saw before the Auto boom is now history, HMT: One of first watches Indians wore is now History, Kinetic: One of the first Scooterete is now history. I am not inferring that all these had a Marketing and Sales failure but yes the responsibility was more on them.

Organisations should wake up to the ever changing dynamics of the market. Focus on their spear head resource the Marketing and Sales Departments. There is no better planning to be in a position of highest beneficiary than putting a right Marketing and Sales person on the job. They can easily draw the following benefits:

1. Customer Intimacy:

A strong S & M person will always engage with all stake holders at the customer end and keep them tied to the organisation. He needs to be so into the customer that even a small change in this so stable ecosystem comes to his notice. He and in turn the organisations will have good time to react / adapt to it. This strongly helps to keep you abreast to the changes and be on top of them.

2. Sensory Intelligence:

The S & M resource is supposed to be the eyes and ears of the organization in the market. What is happening, what is customer voice, what is the feedback of suppliers / customers / end users, what is the perception of the brand, is the product approaching its lifecycle end, etc.

In general the word of mouth in the market has to be sharply caught. This should be used to plan the future strategies / growth plans of the organizations.

Simple but vital recipe for success.

3. Headwinds:

The S & M has a responsibility to chart the headwinds in the market, its direction. It makes no sense for organisations to pull themselves out from a market leading position and then lose ground to competitors to only try reentering.

A classic example is Bajaj Auto – pulled out of Scooter Market from leading position, lost their ground to Honda and now are trying to re-enter. Thanks to EV. So this is one of the most important aspects of S & M to chart the future trends.

4. Power of Persuasion:

How would it be that your best customer stops buying from you and you do not even know why?

Well has it not happened to all of us. Remember one of those favourite shopping destination until something put you off and now you never shop at that place.

Yes! Customers have a unknown need of feeling important, that one negotiation, that one greeting, that one glass of water, that keeping you waiting for long, all this adds to customers feeling detached and shifting their choices. S & M has to constantly address this fact, keep customers engaged and attached to the brand / product / services. Ever felt being followed by Flipkart / Amazon on any website. Suggesting you to buy that Jeans, you had checked out some days back? Yes, it is at times irritating. But you will eventually end up buying – power of persuasion.

5. Bridging the Gap:

This for me is the most important of all, you have to know your customers mind, even before he thinks the need of it. Why he prefers your product against the competition, Why he associate with your organisation rather than the competition? What exact value do you create for them? What are his pain points? Where are the opportunities to better your performance? Also mind you that these questions will have absolutely different answers for different customers. But knowing them is bliss.   

Take my word there is no feeling better for a customer than knowing that you have taken him seriously and made changes as per his expectations.

It is of absolute importance for organisations to extend their focus on activities that really attract the attention of customers and puts there voice on top of their strategies. This will help them in gaining the ground swifter and smoother. Imagine the age old Maruti launching the NEXA.

So to just summarise in a nut shell – organisations should leverage there most effective weapon, the S&M to always keep their competitive advantage.

5 ways to achieve good Customer Intimacy
5 ways to build strong Sensory Intelligence
3 steps to ride Market Headwinds

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